Study visits

In the project we have planned a study visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp in Oswiecim and Majdanek concentration and extermination camp in Lublin. 


Prepare yourself for these visits by discussing one topic within your international team in the Twinspace Forum.


I Visit the Holocaust Encyclopedia to find out about the Holocaust: 

Team 1. What was the Holocaust?

Team 2. Holocaust is a word of Greek origin but what does it mean? How do you understand its meaning in the context of history of WW2?

II Study the Holocaust maps and answer the questions:

Team 3. How many Jews lived in your country in 1933 and in 1950? Which country had the largest population of Jews in 1933? Why?

Team 4. Name 6 killing centres in occupied Poland in 1942? Were there any deportations to these killing centres from your countries? 


III Go to the lesson by dr Jacek Lachendro and dr Piotr Setkiewicz and find out about the history of the Nazi German concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz:

Team 5. What does "Arbeit macht frei" mean? What did the sign mean to the prisoners?

Team 6. Apart from Poles, Jews, Roma and Soviet prisoners of war, the Nazis sent to Auschwitz some 25,000 prisoners of other nationalities. Can you find yours? Were there any non-European prisoners?

Team 7. What would you find most unbearable about the living conditions there?


Having read all the materials, you can do the exercises.


IV Visit the site of The State Museum at Majdanek and find out:

Team 8. What does this exhibition symbolise? How do you interpret it?



Team 9. What does this book contain? How many pages can you find there? Do you think there is one with your nationality?



Team 10. Why was the column erected in the camp field? What did it symbolise for the camp prisoners?



Team 11. What was the statue of a turtle doing in the middle of the camp? What was its message? Why?



Team 12. What can you see in the photo? Who did it belong to? What was it doing at the camp?


The photos come from the "Educational Package” available on the Museum site to use in a lesson prior to the visit to the State Museum at Majdanek.


1 comment:

  1. You could also find interesting doing exercies with Anna Frank Diary
    and subsequently the exercise with her place of hiding.
    Go and find out how difficult it was to be so young and suffering so much ...
